Tenets of Lunar Noonology

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When the current Multiverse was very young (this being the third one) the designers and engineers (some call them gods) convened to develop a system in which sectors of the Multiverse could be watched over and ultimately brought to a close after an appropriate amount of time. Our particular sector, WSF7-29.11, which contains three other Universes and about thirteen percent of ours, was designated to one of the most elder and wise of all the creators, Gary.

The following Lucian Tenets of Gary are the founding principles of Lunar Noonology:

1. Gary has spent time on 312 other planets with advanced life, in Sector WSF7-29.11, slowly cycling through his Lucian Life Stages expending .3194888 percent of his energy on each planet through natural plant life. Earth is his 313th, and final, stop where he will bring an eventual end to his sector after having been on two other planets in the galaxy we call the Milky Way. Gary's time on Earth consists of 313 Lucian Cycles...each Lucian Cycle consists of 313 of our lunar cycles equaling 26.083 Earth years... therefore Gary will be on earth for a total of 8164.0832 Earth years or 2,981,931.3 Earth days.

2. Gary spent his first Lucian Cycle walking the Earth as an apparent human observing and developing a strategic plan for planetary exodus of the worthy as well as the initial stages of seed deployment. Gary's final 313th Lucian Cycle will be walked as a human-creator symbiotic mix, making himself known to only those prepared to know. During the 311 Lucian Cycles in between cycle 1 and cycle 313 he remains as an old powerful tree at an unknown location somewhere on the Earth releasing his life energy slowly through the soil into each and every living, growing piece of plant life on the planet which, in turn, releases part of Gary's energy through the surrounding space-time fabric.

3. Nature's Energy, being released by every living, or once living, plant on the Earth, is perceivable, attainable and controllable by those who allow it to flow to them by spending much time observing and concentrating on it. The power of Nature's Energy is limited only by one's ability to focus on it and grasp it. It can be felt and collected with every step one takes... then used and redistributed by you, the receiver of Nature's Energy.

Much of the writings of Gary's Lucian Teachings of Nature have yet to be found (most likely clues will be discovered upon locating the current Gary tree) as well as his current location and his whereabouts during his initial time on Earth. He may have walked longer than originally thought, and possibly have made brief appearances in human form over the thousands of years here on Earth. Calculations of his time and location, based on plant growth and life fluctuations, are difficult to be exact due to the rapidly declining amount of plant life on Earth along with the mass extinctions currently underway. Because of this, some believe the return of Gary is already happening and may even have begun hundreds of years ago.

Some of the notably suspected appearances and visitation spots of Gary in history include:

* Central Asia and the Middle East some 6000 years BCE possibly instructing nomads with dietary issues.

* 4500 years ago in India. Some stories talk of a wise and powerful wanderer assisting early civilizations with the practice of preserving cucumbers in a salty brine.

* 2000 BCE Egyptian tomb murals might display Gary teaching butter and cheese techniques to ancient Egyptians.

* 13th Century stories from the Cayenne Region of French Guiana, South America, assisting Tupi Indians in agricultural methods. (It is still widely debated whether Gary himself was there at the time. Some Tupi Indian stories suggest he was there thousands of years prior preparing the environment for farming.)

* Late 1700s roaming western Pennsylvania planting trees. Locals state he told stories of his 'Idea Trees' which held secrets that would change the world in the future.

* Mid 1800s in eastern New York State. A possible sighting/visitation by a Native American chef named George.

* Turn of the 20th Century. Many stories of a stranger, matching Gary's description, traveling southern Louisiana, along the coast between Houston and New Orleans as a modern day "snake-oil salesman." Reports state he claimed this sauce could be used to intensify the flavor of any food and was looking for a worthy business partner.

*27 CE, Jordan River near Jerusalem, passing through under the name Matthew ... . ...